Friday, August 10, 2012

Campfire Night

Toasting marshmallows and singing around a campfire.  This was our Joeys introduction to the scouting campfire traditions.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Joey Jaunt

We started our Jaunt with Rock wall climbing which was quite touch on the little muscles to get them up the wall.  We also discovered with the Activity co ordinators that some of our Joeys didn't have enough body weight to then get back down and had to be rescued from the top by the instructors.  An interesting way to start the day.

We enjoyed lots of different activities including singing, obstacle courses, building with cardboard boxes, Water rockets and creating paper aeroplanes.

We explored old army jeeps and

Raced around in Chariots

And we ended the day with a Go cart race.  It was lots of fun!