Monday, May 27, 2013

Hiking to the Park

With our torches at the ready we set off from the den for our hike to the park.

 Smiles all round and silly faces pulled for all the photos

 The all important group shot on the spider web playground.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Pamper Night

 We welcomed our Mum's just after Mother's Day for a wonderful (cough cough) luxurious pamper session.  Our Joeys massaged Mum's hands and then did an amazing job of painting fingernails.  We had made some cards and silhouette pictures for Mum to keep and also shared some choccies with her.

When then got down into to fun stuff and played some parachute games which the Mum's were really good at.  Thanks for being our Mum's without you so much amazing stuff would never even be possible. We love our Mums